Penn Chai

Penn Chai

Penn started playing fives up in Edinburgh at Fettes and subsequently became President of the Fives Society whilst at UCL. Nonetheless, he only learnt how to play the game properly on joining The Executioners Club at St Paul’s, where he was regularly schooled by Andy Pringle, Rupert Mathieu and Richard Dyke.

In between degrees, Penn also spent 6 months being severely humbled by Richie Murby at The Caledonian Club in Edinburgh, for which he will always be grateful (mostly). Probably Penn’s greatest achievement in the game is being named Young Gun Of The Year at Executioners, the prize being awarded a pocket watch by Guy Matthews.

Penn is a regular on a Wednesday evening at The Executioners and is beginning to be a significant, and ever smiling, presence in regional tournaments. He also enjoys giving back to the game up in Scotland on the infamous Jesters Tour. [November 2023]