Rankings Archive

National End-of-Season Rankings

The National Rankings were compiled by David Hebden from 1982 until 2022. Since 2022 they have been compiled by Will Ellison and Charlie Brooks.

1981-82 through to 1992-93 (12 years) are Singles Rankings only:

1981-82 ; 1982-831983-841984-85 ; 1985-86 ; 1986-87 ; 1987-881988-89 ; 1989-901990-91 ; 1991-92 ; 1992-93

The years 1993 onwards contain rankings for Singles and Doubles:

1993-94 ; 1994-95 ; 1995-96 ; 1996-97 ; 1997-98 ; 1998-99 ; 1999-2000 ; 2000-01 ; 2001-02 ; 2002-03 ; 2003-04 ; 2004-05 ; 2005-06 ; 2006-07 ; 2007-08 ; 2008-09 ; 2009-10 ; 2010-11 ; 2011-12 ; 2012-13 ; 2013-14 ; 201415 ; 2015-16 ; 2016-17 ; 2017-18 ; 2018-19 ; 2019-20 ; 2021-22 ; 2022-23 Singles ; 2022-23 Doubles ; 2023-24 Singles ; 2023-24 Doubles ;

Women’s Rankings

Launched in March 2016 and kindly compiled by Chris Burrows, these rankings initially incorporated both Singles and Doubles from both the Ladies’ National Rugby Fives and the Ladies’ Winchester Fives Championships. They now include the Ladies U25 Rugby Fives Championships, the National U18 Schoolgirls’ Championships , the National Rugby Fives Mixed Doubles and the National Winchester Fives Mixed Doubles Championships. From January 2020 Singles and Doubles are ranked separately.

Women’s Rankings 2016-2022 ; 2023/01 ; 2023/03 ; 2023/072023/12 ; 2024/5 ; 2024/8