Hall of Fame

This page is designed to contain a statistical record of men’s and women’s open tournament winners since 1925 and will constitute an updating of the statistical record contained in The RFA Record Book 1926-2004.

For a complete record of tournament winners click here

Men’s Rugby Fives Open winners

Last updated: 8th May 2024 (after the Scottish Open at Fettes College).
Comprises: all Rugby Fives open events  i.e. Singles: Nationals, South West, South East, London, Yorkshire, West of England, North West, North, Scottish; Doubles: Nationals, South West, London, Yorkshire, West of England, North West, North, Puckle Cup, Scottish 1950-1990).
Excludes ‘invitation’ or President’s Cup-style events. Winchester Fives also excluded.

Players from before WW2 excluded, as are a number of players, no longer playing, with a small number of titles.

Name Singles Doubles Total
Enstone, W 94 47 141
Roberts, N 33 59 92
Ellison, W 34 54 88
Hebden, D 10 68 78
Buchanan, H 23 44 67
Tristao, D 38 27 65
Fuller, I 15 47 62
Gardner, D 13 49 62
Beswick, J 5 35 40
Kay, E 19 17 36
Reid, S 35 35
East, J 8 22 30
Howe J† 7 15 22
Minta, J 8 13 21
Holt, S 1 17 18
Grant, D 0 17 17
Perry, R 0 17 17
Toop, J 14 2 16
Marsh, E† 10 4 14
Brooks, C 0 14 14
Bishop, P 3 10 13
Wynn, A 3 9 12
Arnold, O 1 10 11
Parlby, D 0 11 11
Pretlove, J† 4 7 11
Puckle, K 4 7 11
Turner, D 0 11 11
d’Ancona, P 5 5 10
Beltrami, B 2 7 9
Butler, D 5 3 8
Fuller, E 6 2 8
Watkinson, J† 4 4 8
Cavanagh, M 6 1 7
Schroeter, J† 0 7 7
Wilson, A† 0 6 6
Schroeter, J† 0 7 7
Cowie, A† 3 2 5
Bate, M 0 4 4
Parker, T 0 4 4
Watkinson, T 2 2 4
Murby, R 2 0 2

Women’s Rugby Fives and Winchester Fives Open winners

Last updated: June 2024 (after Ladies’ Winchester Fives Championships at Bradfield College)
Comprises: Ladies’ National Rugby Fives Singles and Doubles, Ladies’ Winchester Fives Singles and Doubles
Excludes: Winchester Fives Mixed Doubles, Rugby Fives Mixed Doubles, Ladies’ U25 Singles and Doubles.

Name Singles Doubles Total
Smith, P 26 18 44
Knowles, C 12 11 23
Hall-Wilton, D† 0 18 18
Briedenhann, K 8 9 17
Whitehead (Haslam), M 0 11 11
Mathias, L 5 5 10
Mills, T 2 8 10
Zhang, S 2 7 9
Raynor, M 2 3 5
Redmond, D 2 2 4
Steel, A 0 4 4
Tunks, H 0 3 3
Wood, C 1 2 3
Hird, K 1 1 2
Howie (Seton), E 1 1 2
Nagle-Wood, R 0 2 2
White, K 1 1 2
Barnes, F 0 1 1
Beattie, C 1 0 1
Chenall, J 0 1 1
Ganguly, A 0 1 1
Leboff, S 0 1 1
Redmond, L 0 1 1