RFA Rankings
6 September 2021
Now that the 2021/22 season is in full swing, we’re sure all you wannabe Stattos will want to know what’s going on with the RFA Singles and Doubles rankings. So here is an update from the RFA’s Rankings Tsar, Dave Hebden:
“I’ll produce new rankings during the week starting Sept 13th, to include the Yorkshire Open, so they will reflect three new events: the South West, South East and Yorkshire Opens. It is good that the first rankings after the long break will include at least a few more recent events, rather than be totally dominated by events held in 2017 through to early 2020.
“I’ll do another update following the London and West of England events in time to provide input to the National Singles later in the year.”
So, to see if Ed Kay (pictured above after winning the South West Open Singles title recently) can overtake Dan Tristao at the top of the Singles rankings, head over to the Rankings page on the website around September 16.