

Cambridge University Fives Club reveal promo video

Cambridge University Rugby Fives Club Cambridge, 24th September 2020 The RFA is delighted to share with the wider Fives community a wonderful promotional video created by the Cambridge University Fives Club. Ladies Captain Savanna Leboff, Social Secretary Ashwin Ahuja and members of the club edited together this film for the Virtual Freshers Fair, which opens […]


New Deputy President and President for RFA

RFA AGM Online, 23rd September 2020 The 2020 RFA AGM will go down in history for a couple of very important reasons. First, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was held online via Zoom with attendance limited to Directors; and, second, the Association elected its first female Deputy President. The lady in question in this […]


Fives Podcasts are back for Season 2!

Rugby Fives Association 12th September 2020 The lads are back with their second season, but without Theo Parker, who, newly married, has abandoned his co-presenters and left them to make a fresh appointment! With just two candidates mentioned so far Dave, Matt and Sam have gone away to consider their options. Appropriately so, because the […]


Play resumed at Derby Moor Fives

Derby Moor Academy, Littleover Friday, 21st August 2020 Eight members of the Derby Moor Fives Club resumed play last evening, operating according to government-approved guidelines and with the agreement of Derby Moor Academy. Among those playing was Stuart Kirby, RFA Board Member with responsibility for Health & Safety. Stuart led the team of Fives-players who […]


RFA guidelines for resumption of play approved

RFA PRESIDENT London, 18th August 2020 (Revised 2nd September) The RFA is pleased to confirm that the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has approved the Association’s guidelines for the resumption of playing fives. The following is an extract from the government’s e-mail:- We do not consider Rugby Fives to be a team sport […]


We have a new Fives Club! — well, sort of …….

East Dulwich, London SE22 11th August 2020 Amidst all the furore of Covid-19, the distractions of lockdown and quarantine and the all-consuming tensions the pandemic has brought us, one piece of news might have gone unnoticed: the imminent arrival of a new Rugby Fives Club. For, as Hamish Buchanan tells us: The Alleyn Old Boys […]


Statement from the President on the resumption of play

RFA PRESIDENT London, August 7th We have pleasure in publishing this statement from the President of the RFA: As you are only too aware, the Covid-19 pandemic necessitated the suspension of Fives playing due to the closure of schools in the middle of March. On 25th July, the Government permitted some lifting of lockdown rules, […]


The RFA enters the niche world of Podcasting

Rugby Fives Association May-June 2020 During the period of virus-enforced inactivity some of the younger players have created a series of Fives Podcasts. One of them is Matt Shaw, who writes as follows: In the midst of lockdown, four Fives players came together to go where no other Fives player had gone before… into the […]


Report from the second RFA Pub Quiz

Rugby Fives Pub Quiz Report –- 28th May 2020 All around the globe The RFA has been asked to publish this report on the second — and most recent — RFA Pub Quiz. However, as keen readers will soon notice, this is not a very, err, conventional report. In fact, it’s not really a report […]

Community  News

Report from first RFA Fives Pub Quiz

Rugby Fives Pub Quiz Report –- 30th April 2020 Question One: Who wrote this Report? There’s been huge speculation over the past decade about what happened to tournament organiser Daniel Grant.   Last seen organising the National Under 25s in 2011, he had successfully turned what was previously seen as a well run, pleasant and inoffensive [...]