

Report from the RFA Fives Pub Quiz

Rugby Fives Pub Quiz Report –- 30th April 2020 Question One: Who wrote this Report? There’s been huge speculation over the past decade about what happened to tournament organiser Daniel Grant.   Last seen organising the National Under 25s in 2011, he had successfully turned what was previously seen as a well run, pleasant and inoffensive […]


Line up for the first RFA Pub Quiz

RFA PUB QUIZ Online, April 30th The UK may be in lockdown, but Fives players can still get involved in some competitive action this month – with the first RFA Pub Quiz. Organised by Dan Grant, the event will take place online on Thursday April 30th, with the live stream starting at 7.30pm and the […]


All upcoming RFA tournaments postponed

RFA TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE London, March 15th It is with a heavy heart that we publish this statement from RFA President David Bawtree, sent in response to the current global pandemic. “The purpose of this communication is to clarify the RFA’s position regarding the above [tournament schedule] in the light of the Coronavirus outbreak. The RFA’s […]


Barnes Bridge: Ellison & Kay make it 10 and 4 respectively!

National Winchester Fives Doubles Championship for the Barnes Bridge Malvern College Sunday, 8th March 2020 Organiser Harry Akerman reports:  From the moment Will Ellison and Ed Kay were the first people to enter this year’s Barnes Bridge we realised it was likely that other entrants were playing for the minor medals, and so it turned […]


Entries open for 2020 Veterans, Vintage, Masters Championships

NATIONAL VETERANS’ CHAMPIONSHIPS Marlborough College, April 4/5th Organiser John Hawke is now accepting entries for the National Veterans’ (over 45s) Championships, as well as the Masters (over 65s) and Grand Masters (over 75s) Championships. All three events are making a return to Marlborough College this year. To be held over the weekend of April 4/5th, […]


Latest Women’s Rankings headed by Louise Mathias

Rugby Fives Association 9th March 2020 This second set of individual rankings for Singles and Doubles, prepared for the RFA by Chris Burrows, are based on performances over the past two years in the following ranking events: The Durham Ladies Singles and Doubles in November; the National Girls’ Open Singles and Doubles in December; the National Ladies Singles […]


Tristao tops the February National Rankings

This rankings update includes the results from the North West Open and the Under 25 Championships held in January and February. As always, the U25s carries fewer ranking points because it is not an Open event, but I should say that the strength of entry in this year’s event was impressive, high in both quality […]


Results from the South East Regional Schools’ Championships

South East Regional Schools’ Championships Tonbridge School Saturday, 8th February 2020 Host Ian Jackson reports:  The South East Regional Schools’ Championships took place at Tonbridge School this year.  Slightly sweating courts at 10.30am soon dried and a full day of Fives followed in some glorious early spring sunshine in the afternoon.  As well as the […]